Saturday, November 29, 2008


Throughout the period of his mission, the Prophet Muhammad (saas) experienced all manner of difficulty. Deniers and polytheists, from among his own people, insulted him most terribly, even calling him a magician or a madman. Others wanted to kill him and even schemed to do so. Despite all that, the Prophet (saas) tried to teach people of all backgrounds and cultures about the Qur'an, and therefore about proper morality and good behavior.

As Allah revealed in the verses of the Qur'an, some people had not the slightest idea of the basics of good manners, for which reason it never entered their minds that they might appall someone who possessed superior morality. The Prophet (saas) displayed the greatest patience in this circumstances, turning to Allah and asking for His help in all situations and encouraging believers to patience and submission.

In many verses in the Qur'an, Allah advises the Prophet (saas) to be patient despite the words of unbelievers:

So be patient in the face of what they say and glorify your Lord with praise before the rising of the sun and before it sets. (Surah Qaf: 39)

Do not be grieved by what they say. All might belongs to Allah. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (Surah Yunus: 65)

We know that your breast is constricted by what they say. (Surat al-Hijr: 97)

Perhaps you are leaving aside part of what has been revealed to you and your breast is constricted by this because they say, "Why has treasure not been sent down to him or an angel not accompanied him?" You are only a warner and Allah is Guardian over all things. (Surah Hud: 12)

Believers must remember the kind of things Allah's Messenger (saas) was patient for, and take him as a model when dealing with their own difficulties. Those who despair at the slightest problem, who are unable to bear the smallest objection, who stop preaching the religion of Allah, or who lose hope when their business dealings go wrong, must be aware that such behavior is incompatible with Allah's holy book and the sayings and deeds of the Prophet (saas). Believers must always be patient, take Allah as their helper and give thanks to Him, adopt the superior morality of the Prophet (saas), and hope for the mercy, compassion and Paradise of our Lord.

There were people with varying characters and ideas that surrounded the Prophet (saas). Throughout his life, however, he showed an interest in each and every one, warned them about their mistakes and failings, and tried to educate them in all matters, from cleanliness to matters of faith. That compassionate, tolerant, understanding and patient attitude of his was the means by which many peoples' hearts warmed to Islam and developed a genuine love for the Prophet (saas). Allah describes this pleasing attitude adopted by the Prophet (saas) towards those around him in the Qur'an:

It is a mercy from Allah that you were gentle with them. If you had been rough or hard of heart, they would have scattered from around you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them… (Surah Al ‘Imran: 159)

In another verse, Allah told the Prophet (saas) how he should behave towards those around him:

We know best what they say. You are not a dictator over them. So remind, with the Qur'an, whoever fears My Threat. (Surah Qaf: 45)

The Prophet (saas) never pressured those around him to accept the religion, nor imposed conditions on them. Instead he always used the pleasantest ways to tell them about it.

He always supported the community of the faithful with his strong conscience, and was a benefactor to them at all times. On account of these traits, the Prophet (saas) is described in many verses as "your companion." (Surah Saba': 46: Surat an-Najm: 2, Surat at-Takwir: 22).

Those believers who were able to comprehend the conscientiousness of the Prophet (saas) regarded him as closer to them than all others, and humbled themselves towards him. In one verse, Allah states:

The Prophet has closer ties to the believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers… (Surat al-Ahzab: 6) Imam Ghazali, the great Islamic scholar, summed up the Prophet (saas)'s treatment of those around him in light of the information found in the hadiths:

"... Everyone thought that the Prophet honoured him more. Whoever came to him could see his face.
... He used to call his companions by their surnames with honour and he used to give one surname who had no surname.
... He was very affectionate and kind in dealing with the people.
... Nobody could speak loudly in his assembly." 1

The Prophet (saas)'s human love, kind thought and compassion, which turned those around him to true religion and warmed their hearts to faith, is that superior morality which all Muslims should seek to reproduce. (For further reading about the attributes of the Prophet (saas), see “The Prophet Muhammad (saas)” by Harun Yahya)

1. Imam Ghazzali's Ihya Ulum-Id-Din, The Book of Religious Learnings, Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2001, Volume II, p.240

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Quranic Concept of Hijaab

By: Shehzad Saleem

Islam has based its social structure on the institution of family. For the development of such a society in which the basic unit is the family, it is essential to regard chastity and modesty as fundamental values. It is to safeguard and protect these values that the Shariah has laid down a whole code of social etiquette and communal conduct. These directives have been discussed in the Quran very minutely. Since, their interpretation, in recent times, has often touched the two extremes, it is, once again, necessary to contemplate on the Quran in quest for the ariston metron - the golden mean.

A deep deliberation on the Quran reveals that these directives, which have been dealt with in detail in Surah Ahzaab and Surah Noor, are basically of three categories. Following is a brief analysis of these directives.

The first category of directives pertains to safe and secure places. According to the Quran, such secure places may either be residential ones (bait-i-maskoona) like houses and apartments or non-residential ones (bait-i-ghair maskoona) like offices and schools. It says that if some friends, relatives or acquaintances visit one another, they should follow a certain decorum. If the visited place is residential in nature, the visitor should first of all properly introduce himself by paying salutations to the residents of a house. In this regard, the Prophet (sws) has instructed the visitor to knock three times at the door and if he hears no reply, he should turn back and not start an incessant session of pounding the door. Furthermore, if the residents are not in a position to welcome him and they ask him to return, he should withdraw without any ill-will towards them. However, in case the visited place is non-residential, no formal permission is required. Once a person has entered his destination, the men and women who are present, should observe two regulations: they should guard their gazes from taking undue liberty and take care that the dress they are wearing properly covers them. Women should observe one additional regulation as well: they should not display their finery except those which is evident, that is their clothes or any adornments worn on the face and hands. For this purpose, the Quran says they should cover their chests by their head-coverings and should not strike their feet in a manner which draws attention to any ornaments they may be wearing. Furthermore, the Quran says that it is not necessary to observe this third regulation with mahram relatives, but as far as the first two regulations are concerned they must be observed without exception to anyone whosoever. It is evident, therefore, that men and women while observing these regulations can eat and converse together. The Quran says:

"O ye who believe! Enter not the houses other than your own until you have introduced yourselves and wished peace to those in them. That is best for you that you may be heedful. If you find no one in the house, enter not until permission is given to you. If you are asked to go back, go back, for it is purer for you. Allah has knowledge of all which you do. It is no sin for you to enter non-residential places in which there is benefit for you. And Allah has knowledge of what you reveal and what you conceal. [O Prophet!] tell believing men to restrain their eyes and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. And Allah is well aware of what you do. And tell the believing women to restrain their eyes and to guard their private parts and to display of their finery only that which is apparent by drawing their coverings over their bosoms. They should not reveal their finery to anyone save their husbands or their fathers or their husbands' fathers or their sons or their husbands' sons or their brothers or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons or other women of acquaintance or their slaves or male servants lacking in physical needs or children who have no awareness of the hidden aspects of women. [In order not to reveal their finery except which is apparent], they should [also] not stamp their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. Believers turn to Allah in repentance that you may prosper." [24:27-31]

The second category of directives pertains to places which are not secure and unprotected from people of lewd character. Markets, road sides, shops and parks are examples of places where such people might create nuisance for women. The Quran tells Muslim women to wear large cloaks when they go out so that a part of the cloaks covers their faces as well, for this is the way dignified women dress up when they go out. This dress will identify them as decent women and they will not be teased. The Quran says:

"O Prophet! tell your wives and daughters and the wives of the believers to draw a part of their cloaks on their faces [when they go abroad]. That is more proper so that they may be recognized and are not harmed. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." [33:59]

The third category of these directives relates to the leading women of a society, who set an example for others. Owing to the special position of the Prophet (sws), his wives occupied this place in his times. Consequently, these directives have been addressed to them. It is clear that the leading women of a society play a very essential role. The values which they adopt become the values of the society, and the trends they set become the trends of the society. If they falter, the whole society falters and if they remain on the right path, the whole society remains on the right path. It is due to the special position of such women that some additional directives have been given to prevent any scandal mongers from spreading mischief.

Firstly, womenfolk of such stature must refrain from openly exhibiting their embellishments. The Quran strictly forbids them to adorn themselves and go about displaying themselves. It says:

"Wives of the Prophet! stay in your homes and do not display your adornments as women used to do in the days of ignorance." [33:33]

Secondly, they should take care that whenever, they have to say something to people in whose hearts there is the ailment of lewdness, they should speak without showing any softness to them:

"O Wives of the Prophet! you are not like other women. If you fear Allah do not be too complaisant of speech lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire." [33:32]

These are the Quranic directives of Hijaab. The social etiquette they depict is poised magnificently between the extremes human civilizations have often witnessed. Like all other directives of Islam their object is to purify the soul and to purge it from evil, which is essential if man has to become worthy of the eternal life Heaven --- the eternal life for which the Almighty actually created him.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

America the Global Leader in Science and Technology

Science is not a divine revelation but it provides a means for the welfare of man and to better understanding the creation of Allah (SWT), the natural phenomena and their purpose. In simplest terms science means knowledge and Islam exhorts its followers to relentlessly pursue knowledge.

One-third of the Qur'an exhorts its readers to think and reflect upon the natural phenomena. One of the most inspiring Ayath (verses) in the Qur'an is the following:

" And He has subjected to you, as from Him, all that is in the heavens and on earth: behold, in that are signs indeed for those who reflect." (45: 13)

The more one investigates the more one knows about Allah (SWT) and His design of the universe. Allah (SWT) has given us the faculties and the intellectual genius for this purpose.

The Role of Science

20th century has made incredible advances by producing, the transistor, the laser, and the microchip. These advances are dependent on our understanding of the basic sciences of the material world, and much of this understanding is based on publicly funded scientific research. Technological innovations have contributed more than any other single factor in America’s economic history to long-term growth. Revolutionary advances in physics have led to diverse applications in weapons, energy, materials, and medicine, with extraordinary impacts on the quality of life and on economic and political relationships among countries. As we enter the 21st century, the powers of the physical and engineering sciences have been joined by equally revolutionary advances in the life sciences and by new frontiers for the environmental sciences. Greenhouse gases, the AIDS virus, agricultural biotechnology, advanced energy systems, new pharmaceuticals, information technologies, and a host of other scientific and technological trends shape global competition and cooperation. The research base itself, supported by each nation, also needs cooperation if it is to grow and prosper.

America's status as the world leader of technological innovation is seriously threatened, unless an innovative partnership is created the primary movers and shakers of R&D (Research and Development) in this country (industry, government and academia).

A research university plays an important national role in educating America's scientists, discovering new knowledge and developing technological innovation. In order to maintain the technological leadership Government must continue to stimulate civilian research, foster research partnerships, create a business climate more conducive to private sector R&D, refocus federal research to today's missions and budget environment, and maintain its support of American universities.

Academia should give priority to developing the nation's human capital in science and technology in emphasizing universities' teaching mission, and promote R&D partnerships. Graduate study should be restructured to open a broader spectrum of career opportunities to Ph.D. students and to develop a credible practice-oriented master's degree. Education that is limited to a single sub-field does not equip students adequately for either the academic world or the corporate world. Universities should work with industry to explore different emphases in graduate programs. Creating master's degree programs geared to the needs of the workplace would be particularly valuable.

Everything possible should be done to attract and keep students interested in science and engineering. More industrial internships should be created to bring additional real world and teamwork experiences into the classroom. Universities must pay more attention to the nature and quality of introductory science and engineering courses. Federal research grants should be used in a way that enhances the quality of undergraduate and graduate education at the same time Universities must alter policies, particularly those of tenure and promotion for the Faculty members. Programs should be developed with companies that encourage both graduate students and faculty to gain experience in industrial laboratories, universities. Universities and industries should work together toward intellectual property rights, and to promote partnerships.

Government agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautic and Space Administration, and the Department of Energy should strengthen science, engineering and long-term growth by extensively promoting basic research as basic research is critical to fostering technological progress in research-intensive industries. Although private companies have increased their total R&D spending in recent years, only a small portion of their spending goes to basic research. The return on research investment to the economy and society is remarkable. Prominent economists unanimously agree that over the last 50 years, advances in science and technology have produced more than half of America’s economic growth. No other federal investment generates a greater long-term return to the economy and society than does basic research.

Technological innovations have contributed more than any other single factor in America’s economic history to long-term growth. A great many of these technological innovations have grown out of publicly funded research, much of which has been undertaken at America’s universities. In the last twenty years, legislative and fiscal conditions in the United States have enhanced the ability of universities to interface directly with the market, thus increasing substantially the opportunities for private capital to benefit from public investments in scientific research. Private companies, both established industrial giants and emerging entrepreneurial ventures, have built on America’s foundation of publicly funded scientific research, investing capital and capturing the innovations that drive American economy forward. These investments have created multiple new industries, thousands of firms, and hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Scientific and technological change accounts for over 50 percent of long-term economic growth.

Technology and Economy

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has said that "the phenomenal performance of the U.S. economy, with its strong growth, low inflation, low unemployment, and high business profits is due in large part to technological innovations that have caused productivity growth to accelerate." Federal research also helps educate and train the next generation of scientists and engineers, which is especially critical today to help meet the growing demand for skilled workers in the new economy. In October 2002, United States Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan argued that we live and work in a global environment “in which prospects for economic growth now depend importantly on a country's capacity to develop and apply new technologies.” “If we are to remain preeminent in transforming knowledge into economic value,” says Greenspan, “the U.S. system of higher education must remain the world's leader in generating scientific and technological breakthroughs and in preparing workers to meet the evolving demands for skilled labor.” “Prospects for economic growth now depend importantly on a country's capacity to develop and apply new technologies.” –Alan Greenspan.

For America to remain the world leader in science and innovative technology, instruction in the Universities must keep up with a profoundly complex and changing world. This could be achieved by highlighting the importance of mathematics and science education and encourage more students to pursue these studies. More students need to study advanced scientific and technical subjects. Parents need to encourage and prepare their children for success in a world that requires the ability to understand and apply knowledge of mathematics and science. There is an urgent need to increase the number of science and mathematics teachers in America's schools who are trained well in the subjects they are teaching. Unfortunately today in America, more than half of the middle school mathematics teachers and nearly half of the science teachers did not major or minor in the subjects they are teaching.

To help schools attract the best and the brightest mathematics and science teachers to our nation's classrooms, President Bush's 2004 budget calls on Congress to provide a few billion dollars, and gives monetary incentives to teachers in mathematics and sciences. It also gives mathematics and science teachers better tools to teach, particularly to understand what helps children learn these critical skills.

Technology and Economic Growth

President George W. Bush has requested the largest federal R&D budget in history, $112 billion for FY03 alone. Major public investment in the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which has seen its budget double in the last 5 years to nearly $27 billion for FY02 alone, has enabled the United States to both create a science and technology base in biotechnology and leverage substantial private investment in product and process applications. American universities have spun off more than 2,200 companies to commercialize innovations that were produced out of research. Created 260,000 jobs in the process. Now contribute $40 billion annually to the American economy.

When knowledge is produced, the benefits not only accrue to the producer, they “spill over” to the local economy. Technological innovations drive much of our economic growth at the national level, but it is local economic environments that enable this growth to occur. States can draw private capital to invest in the building of regional Centers in science and innovation and act as catalysts for regional and national economic growth.

Muslim Countries

Muslim countries can thrive in science and technology by introducing Interdisciplinary studies, by providing with job opportunities to skilled students who have strong university education. Other steps are rewarding meritocracy, upholding Democracy, Human rights, and free markets. Governments should support science and technology with mutual exchange of international students and scholars, publications of research articles, journals, books, holding conferences and transfer of ideas. The Federal government should put aside at least 10 percent of its National budget to Support education, research and development.


1. Frank H.T. Rhodes. US Research and Development Efforts. Cornell University Science News. April 16, 1996.


3. Bruce M. Alberts. Meeting the Education Challenge. Feb. 1998.

4. National Council for Science and Environment March 6, 2001.

5. Alan Greenspan. Summit on the 21st Century work force. June 20, 2001, MCI Center, Washington, D.C. (


Taking away the life should be the domain of the One who gives life. True, there is Pain and suffering at the terminal end of an illness, but we believe there is reward from God for those who patiently persevere in suffering (Qur'an 39:10 and 31:17).

“While Muslim Physicians are not encouraged to artificially prolong the misery in a vegetative state, they are ordained to help alleviate suffering."

Qur'an says, "Anyone who has saved a life, it is as if he has saved the life of whole mankind" (5:32). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized this by saying, " O Muslims, seek cure, since God has not created any illness without creating a cure." Allah's Messenger said: There is a remedy for every malady, and when the remedy is applied to the disease it is cured with the permission of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious. The Prophet said: Every disease has a medication: If the medication for a particular disease is found, it will be cured with Allah's (swt) permission.


Be11ary is a city in Karnataka State, South India, with a population of nearly 200,000 in 1975. Bellary is a district headquarters, 306 kms to the northwest of Bangalore. It has spread round two rocky hills, and one of them called Balahari Betta has a temple. The fort was built round the hill in Vijayanagara times. It passed into the hands of Bijapur, Marathas, the Nizam and Haider. After the fall of Tipu, the Nizam ceded the town to the British. The Durgamma temple here has the deity represented by the heap of earth. The place has two large mosques. A Government Medical College was founded here in 1961.

Be11ary is situated about 200 miles south of Hyderabad, 300 miles west of Madras, 186 miles north of Banga1ore and 700 miles south-east of Bombay. It is connected by Air (there is an aerodrome which is claimed to be India's first, but without regular commercial air service), Rail, and Road. Once a British cantonment, the town is near the border with Andhra Pradesh and the population is bilingual: most people speak both Kannada and Telugu. There is an unmistakable presence of Andhra culture. The town is easily accessible by road and rail from Bangalore and Hyderabad. At one time, it was a center for arts, culture, music and drama. It is the gateway to the Iron ore and Manganese mines near Sandur, the huge Tungabhadra Dam, as well as to the ruins of the Vijayanagar Empire at Hampi, and a new university nearby.

A huge fort built on solid rock dominates the view of the town. Even though the fort is abandoned, it is worth a visit for the inquisitive traveler for an excellent view of the town. The old walled city with buildings of colonial architecture lies at the foot of the fort.

About 35% of the population is Muslims, 2 to 3% are Christians, and the rest are Hindus--with all the castes and sub-castes represented.

Be11ary has been a district headquarters since 1920. It is the home of the Deputy Commissioner (Collector), Superintendent of Police, District Educational Officer and other district officials. It has a well-organized municipal corporation, operating free drug pharmacies in each community.

A steel mill is being constructed 20 miles west of Bel1ary. There are three government hospita1s--one general hospital, one hospital for women, and children. and the Medical College Hospital. There are also numerous hospitals, such as missionary hospital. TB hospital and several nursing homes for all ages. All these hospitals offer treatment to patients on the lines of western medicine or allopathic medicine.

In 1975 Bellary had a four-year college where students can get a Bachelor's Degree. It has a medical college, which enrolls 150 to 200 students each year. The students get the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degrees at the end of four years. It also has other professional schools such as a teacher's college law college school of nursing. School of midwifery, Institute of Indian Medicine (which trains doctors in the Indian

Medicine or Ayurveda} and a polytechnic school. Bellary also has eight high schools-one exclusively for girls.

In 1945 the situation was slightly different in Bellary from what it is now. There were only two free government general hospitals, one for both the sexes and the other for women and children. There was no medical college, but there was an undergraduate college for arts and science.

During this time there was an epidemic of meningitis. An eighteen-month-old boy in a Muslim family was afflicted with this disease. The father of the child, being a police sergeant, was always busy and away from the home; so the responsibility of getting the sick child well, fell on the shoulders of the mother who had two sons and one daughter.

The child first developed fever. The child's mother summoned her own mother to help her in the treatment of the child. The old lady came and saw, the child and said: "Oh, it is nothing--don't worry. The child is a victim of an evil eye (Nazr)." To counteract the evil eye the old lady performed what is call the "Bhadada'. in the following manner. She placed pieces of hot charcoal in a wide mouthed earthen pot at mid-afternoon (12 o'clock). Then she swung the pot in all four directions, east, west, north, land south around the affected child, while reciting the names of those who might be responsible for the evil eye. Then the old lady spat three times without allowing the saliva to come out of the mouth. and circled the hot pot over the head of the child three times. Immediately she overturned the earthen pot over a large plate (pan) containing yellow water to which turmeric had been added. If the earthen pot sucks all the water, then it shows the sick person is profoundly affected by the evil eye.

Also, after some time the water oozes out of the earthen pot into the flat pan. From yellow it turns red. The greater the metachromatia the greater is the degree of evil eye affliction. The fever of the child did not subside in spite of the child's mother performing the "Bhadada" three times a day. The grandmother of the patient again came and performed the "Bhadada" on a larger scale. As the child became restless with typical symptoms of meningitis, he was taken to a Hakim who specializes in the Unani system of medicine. He gave some powder to be given orally three times a day after being mixed in honey or milk. The condition of the child did not improve. The neighbors told the mother that the child appeared to be a victim of black magic and witchcraft and advised her to see a "Pujari" or Hindu priest who was also a Vaidya (a practitioner of Ayurvedic system of medicine}

The Pujari came and saw the child. After learning the child's Birthday date and time, he drew the horoscope of the child, studied the stars and other Heavenly bodies influencing the child and prescribed "Sadaqah"(charity) or offerings to a Devi (goddess) who was responsible for the child1s disease (Fuchs, 1960). There were two types of Sadaqahs (charities); one was to be performed at mid-day, and the other at mid-night. During the mid-day, a circular trench was made in front of the home. The place was nicely washed with cow-dung and decorated with lime water, ghayeru (red clay paint) and Kum-Kum (color powder). Agarbatti (Incense sticks) were lighted. The trench was covered with a plank and the child was given a bath by making him sit on the plank. All the water, after washing the child's body, was drained into the trench. The child and plank were removed. A variety of flowers and eleven eggs were buried in the trench; three coconuts were split into halves and also buried. A black cock was sacrificed and also buried in the trench.

At mid-night of a new moon night (Amavasya) in complete darkness the grandma of the child, wearing a white sari, left the house with an Earthen plate filled with fruits, flowers, incense, and coconut. She was warned not to speak to anyone till she returned home after performing the Sadaqah. The old lady went outside of the city till she found the spot where three paths crossed. At that spot she struck the coconut against the ground with all her strength so that the coconut burst into pieces. She left the earthen plate at that spot after lighting a camphor candle and returned without ever turning back to see what was happening and with her mouth shut. If she talked then, the effect of the Sadaqah would be lost.

Within a couple of days the child died. The community never advised the illiterate mother to seek the help of a western educated doctor (allopathic doctor) or to go to the government hospital, which renders free treatment to all. This family was later criticized by orthodox Muslims for having ,followed faithfully the instructions of a Pujari and for showing faith in the existence of a Devi (Hindu goddess) and black magic and witch craft which are all against the teachings of Islam. But alas, the family lost the Child!

Family Medicine in Bellary

When any child falls sick, the usual medical treatment is to put fresh Lemon juice, one drop, in each eye. Later every child in that family will also receive the same treatment as a preventive measure. Another type of treatment for a sick child is to burn certain parts of the body with a hot piece of glass bangle. A piece of glass bangle is heated in the flame of a lamp and five places on the body are burnt with it. The five places on the body are (1) on the "whirl" in the scalp, (2) immediately above the eye-brow (3) back of the neck, (4) above the left nipple, and (5) on the upper side of the left toe.

Bellary looks like a modern city. But in spite of western education and facilities of modern civilization, people at the time of a health crisis behave in the same way as described by Hsu in his remarkable article, 'A cholera epidemic in a Chinese town" (Hsu, 1955). The writer stayed in Bellary for 16 years from 1944 to 1960. From his personal experience the writer is surprised at the unmistakable similarities between the health attitudes of people in Bellary, South India, and of the community of Hsi-cheng in south- western China, in spite of the divergent cultures of these two communities. As recently as 1966 a rumor spread throughout Bellary that a Devi(goddess) who is responsible for causing one of the infectious diseases was angry with the people of Bellary and would come to any door at mid-night, knock on the door, and if anyone opened the door or responded, then that person would vomit blood and die immediately. The remedy for this was to paint the outline of a hand and write "COME TOMORROW" on the doors. It was supposed that the Devi, after reading the words, would go away and would come the next day and again go away after reading the sign. In effect, it was meant to fool the Devi. This sign could be found on the door of every house in the city. It was surprising that educated people could not resist this, and they were also a victim to this.


This case of the Muslim family clearly drives home the fact that although man takes any advice and will do anything, even against his own religion, in order to save the life of a near or dear one. Yet this family never sought help of western or modern medicine even though the existence and availability of western/modern medicine in Bellary was well known to this family. A similar case, in which people of a Mexican village refused to seek western medicine, was clearly described by Lewis (Lewis, 1955).

The health attitudes of people in northern India, particularly their strong belief in magic and faith in the healing powers of the Vaidyas and Hakims were nicely illustrated by Carstairs (Carstairs, 1955) and Marriot (Marriot, 1955). These, and other authors, have discussed at length why it is not possible to change the health attitudes of people and also why one fails when one attempts to change their attitudes. It takes a long time for people of Bellary to accept western/modern medicine and enjoy its fruits. However, group discussion techniques may help (Rosenstock, 1966). The majority of the people are illiterate and are in the strong grip of religion, ritualism, culture and tradition. They need to be educated and enlightened, taking into consideration their socio-economic level and culture so that they develop the capacity to appreciate western medicine. If one person in a family, kin-ship group, or even in a community, studies western or modern medicine then that doctor has the unique opportunity of exerting profound influence in the community or caste to which he/she belongs so that he/she can give them health education and make them accept western medicine and scientific thinking


1. Carstairs, G.M. Medicine and Faith in Rural Rajasthan. Health, Culture and Community (ed) Paul B.D., pp. 107-135, Russel Sage Foundation, New York, 1955.

2. Fuchs, S.: The Magic World. The Gond and Bhumia of Eastern Mand1a pp. 503-514, Asia Publishing House, New York, 1960.

3. Hsu, FLK.: A Cholera Epidemic in a Chinese Town. Health, Culture and Community (ed) Paul, B.D., pp. 135-154, Russel Sage Foundation, New York, 1955.

4. Lewis, O.: Medicine and Politics in a Mexican Vil1age. Health Culture and Community (ed) Paul, B.D., pp. 135-154, Russel Sage Foundation, New York, 1955.

5. Rosenstock, I.M.: Why People Use Health Services. Mi1bank Memorial Fund Quarterly, Vol. XLIV, No.3, part 2, pp. 94-127, July 1966.

Muslims in Louisville

Muslim is one who submits to the will of Allah (The One God-Creator of the Universe). The Muslim practices the religion of Islam (submission to the will of Allah).

Muslims have been coming to the United States, Central and South America since the time Columbus and much before. Many were brought to the United States as slaves from West African countries. The present Melungeons in the state of Kentucky are of Muslim ancestry. Abraham Lincoln's mother and wife belonged to the Melungeons.

Muslims along with Christians came to Louisville from Lebanon at the beginning of this century. Many of the Muslims could not practice their faith. The children of Muslim Lebanese played and grew up in the company of the children of the Lebanese Christians and got married to them. As a result they converted to Christianity. Also there are sporadic examples of Muslims from Turkey leaving Islam and embracing the religion of their spouses. The followers of Elijah Muhammad belonged to the Nation of Islam. Such as Muhammad Ali, the world-renowned three time boxing Champion. (Today Muhammad Ali is the finest example of a Sunni Muslim). One time they were called the Black Muslims. Some notable examples who became Sunni Muslims are Malcolm X, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, etc. After the death of Elijah Muhammad, his son, Imam Warith Din Mohammed moved away from the Nation of Islam and followed the traditional Islam or mainstream Islam. His organization is presently known as the American Muslim Society, headquartered in Hazel Crest, Illinois, with branches spread all over the United States. They run the chain of Clara Muhammad Schools throughout the United States. There are quite a few followers of the Nation of Islam in Louisville and they have a Mosque on Broadway. Their national leader is Minister Louis Farrakhan. Jerald Muhammad is the Nation of Islam leader in Louisville. These are the indigenous Muslims. In the early 1960s immigrant Muslims started to arrive in Louisville from India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Bangladesh, etc. In the early 1980s Muslims arrived in Louisville from Afghanistan.

In the 1990s Muslims came to Louisville from Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, etc. Now Muslims are coming from Kosovo.

Today Louisville boasts of a Muslim population of 5,000 to 10,000 with several Islamic organizations. Among them is the Islamic Cultural Association of Louisville, which is the oldest Islamic organization in Louisville (founded in 1975). It is located at 1911 Buechel Bank Road, Louisville, KY 40217(Phone: 499-0334). The other Islamic Centers are the Islamic Center of Louisville (Fourth Street Mosque), 1715 S. 4th Street, Louisville, KY 40208(Phone: 426-9171); Masjid Muhammad, 1917 W. Magazine Street, Louisville, KY 40203 (Phone: 776-4868); Faisal Mosque, Inc. (River Road Mosque), 4007 Upper River Road, Louisville, KY 40207(Phone: 893-9466) and the Al-Zaharah Islamic Education Center, 5438 New Cut Road, Louisville, KY (Phone: 367-7878). There are two Islamic Schools. One is called Nur Islamic School of Louisville, 1911 Beuchel Bank Road, Louisville, KY (Phone: 459-9447) and the other is the Islamic School of Louisville, 8215 Old Westport Road, Louisville, KY (Phone: 412-7825). There are other active Islamic organizations some are world-renowned. Among them are the Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc., 7102 W. Shefford Lane, Louisville, KY (Phone: 423-1988); Fons Vitae which is a branch of the Islamic Text Society (based in Cambridge, England), 49 Mockingbird Valley Drive, Louisville, KY (Phone: 897-3641). There are a few Muslim Owned Businesses such as Pita Delights, AM/PM Minimart, Babylon Restaurant, Asian Pearl, Days Inn and Motel 8, etc., Muslim Students Association, Muslim Youth of Louisville, International Consultants for Action Oriented Research and Programs for Muslim Women, Inc., Islamic Information Center, Bosnian Muslims organization, Somalian Muslims organization, etc. One recent and noteworthy organization is the AMERICAN MUSLIM ASSOCIATION OF LOUISVILLE (AMAL).

Muslim Unity Through Science and Technology in the 21st Century

As we enter the 21st century, Muslims are so looked down upon, and they are treated with disrespect and they are suspect for terrorism. Muslims are also the most oppressed people anywhere in the world. Everywhere Muslims are bullied, detained, bombed and massacred with impunity. The Muslim countries are weak and are unable to do anything to defend themselves, their people and their fellow Muslims anywhere in the world.

Common sense dictates a Muslim country needs guns and rockets, warships and warplanes, armored cars, etc to defend its sovereignty. A Muslim country cannot depend on imported military equipment, particularly from countries that are opposed to us. Muslims should invent, design, produce and test their own weapons of defense.(1)

This goal cannot be achieved unless one has scientific and technological knowledge and skills. Acquiring knowledge and skills is mandatory in Islam. Those who learn science, mathematics and acquire technological skills are therefore obeying and fulfilling the injunctions of Islam.

There was time when Muslim countries were strong militarily and economically, and were advanced in the sciences and technology. During those glorious years of the Muslim civilization, Muslims were not oppressed. Muslims were respected and feared. Europeans had to learn from Muslims new knowledge as well as those of the Greeks and others, which the Muslims had studied, translated into Arabic and enhanced. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) brought only one Deen from Allah (SWT) that is al- Islam. But today there are many Islamic sects. They are the results of differing interpretations about Islam by different scholars through the centuries.(1)

Some of these interpretations and teachings are so different from each other that their followers actually accuse each other of not being Muslims. Indeed, they regard many who profess to be Muslims as infidels.

Because of the thousands of different interpretations of Islam and very many different sects, each claiming to be the true followers of Islam, the Muslims are thoroughly confused and disunited. Disunited, confused about Islam, fighting each other for power, lacking in essential knowledge and skills, misapplying their God-given wealth, the Muslims of today have reached the lowest point in their development.

The injunctions of the Qur'an are ignored completely, although these injunctions stress making judgment with justice. And because we ignore this stress on justice enjoined by Islam, we create an image of Islam that is uncaring and unjust.(1)

Islam has been misinterpreted and deliberately ignoring the teachings of Islam. It is because of this that Muslims of today are backward, lacking in knowledge, unable to defend themselves and their religion, and some Muslims are forced to resort to terror in order to seek revenge.(1)

The Qur'an clearly states that Allah (SWT) will not change our fate unless we strive to change it ourselves. And so we will come to be oppressed, to be attacked, bombed and killed, while our religion, Islam, is condemned as false by the Christian elite in the West (1).

Dangers of globalization (2)

Dr Mahathir said non-Muslims were busy exploiting new technologies to the full, while Muslim countries were being left behind. He warned that Muslim countries that were technologically backward and economically poor risked being bullied and recolonised by the non-Muslim world.

To achieve the unity of Muslim in Britain (3), it is recommended that all Muslims should become true Muslims themselves. (This doesn’t seem to be happening either, perhaps it might happen in future). Some people want to establish an Islamic Khilafat (a single Muslim government in all the Islamic countries) by changing the minds of the Muslims. However in the present era it appears to be impossible to achieve unity.

Qur'an and Muslim Unity (4)

Muslims are required to work together towards a common goal set by the Noble Qur'an and shown by the Prophet (PBUH) through his Sunnah. They are brothers and sisters because they are bonded by the common ideology of the unity of God and the unity of mankind.

These are the foundational principles of Islam. The Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) require Muslims to work for the unity of the Ummah. Muslims are required to be merciful towards each other (The Qur'an (48:29)) and be like the body where if any part hurts the whole body should feel the pain (Hadith). But, are Muslims practicing this injunction of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)? Muslims and various Islamic organizations are working hard but it is frustratingly obvious that the above goals are ever so illusive. Instead of Muslims being united in mercy towards each other, they are, on the whole, far from it. Instead of feeling the pain and misery of other Muslims (Chechens, Palestinians, Kashmiris, for example), most of us are happily enjoying our material comforts of life. Is Muslim unity only a dream that cannot be fulfilled? Some may argue that all this talk of Muslim unity is out of date. There was a time when Islam united Muslims but present reality makes it impossible. Talk of Muslim unity is nice, and makes Muslims feel good but it is an unrealistic goal that cannot be achieved. In fact, this is what is happening to Muslim Ummah today. Probably, there are no people in the world today who have been as divided as Muslims. They are divided along religious, political, ethnic, cultural, racial, linguistic, and sectarian lines. These divisions extend further into subdivisions. Status, wealth, fame, and fortune have also created social differences among Muslims. Dr. Mansoor Alam says, "Muslims are divided at the root into Sunnis and Shias. Sunnis are further divided into Hanafi, Maliki, Sha'fi, and Hanbali. Shias too are divided into Kesania, Zaidia, Imamia or Ithna ‘Ashari, Ismailia, etc. Sunnis are also divided into Ahle-hadith and Ahle-fiqha. In the Indian subcontinent (at least) Ahle-fiqha are further divided into Deobandis and Barelwis. Similar differences exist in other places as well. Are all these divisions and differences schools of thought as many Muslims claim? Whether or not we admit it, these differences and divisions do create physical, emotional, and psychological barriers amongst us. Iqbal says that these differences create prejudice in human beings." (4).

Any recommendation for the unity of Muslim Ummah should be realistic and its effective application demands utmost sincerity, conviction, commitment and caution from every relevant person or authority. Although there has been gross political deviation within Islam, this can be rectified easily - because, Alhamdulillah, the Islamic framework is still alive and Al-Qur'an, the eternal constitution of the world, is ever present in the Muslim hearts. Repentance for the past negligence and pledge for the present, these two things being acceptable to Allah (SWT), are the pre-requisites for any success. Following broad recommendations are mentioned here - some for the inter-governmental bodies of the Muslim world and others for the Islamic Movements.

Lack of Consensus and Islamic Spirit
OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference) and other governmental agencies, global or regional, should initiate to strengthen the cause of Muslim unity by increasing their commitment to their own declared objectives and charters. OIC has, in fact, devised some commendable schemes to promote mutual assistance and cooperation among Muslim countries in various fields. But the lethargy of the member states and incompetence of the OIC administration have made these programs ineffectual. Lack of consensus as well as Islamic spirit are the main reasons behind these apathetic situation. Methods and ways need to be found so that the relevant Muslim states can work positively on matters of common interest and avoid those that create dissensions. The following areas of cooperation and mutual help by the governmental organizations are now more demanding than ever.

Economic Cooperation
These include Food, Agriculture, Energy, Trade, Basic Industry, Transport, Communication, etc. Economy is the backbone for the self-reliance and prosperity of any country, but unfortunately no Muslim country has any economic infrastructure of its own. As Muslim countries are plagued either by affluence or extreme poverty, sharing of wealth, skill and expertise can improve their collective economic predicament.

Science and Technology Exchange
As Science and Technology are fundamentally important for a nation to keep pace in the race of development, Muslim countries should promote cooperation and interaction in these areas. Muslim countries should put their joint efforts in order to develop their technological know-how in the productive areas of their economy and initiate some basic research if possible. This will help reducing the brain drain of the talented scientists from their countries.

Information and Cultural Cooperation
These include cooperation in the promotion of the features and history of Islamic Civilization, Academic and Research link in various areas of mutual interest as well as Information-related and Humanitarian activities. Cooperation in defending Muslim rights and Islamic values in Muslim-minority countries can lead to a better understanding among the Muslim countries. Serious and practical steps should be taken to promote Arabic, the language of the Qur'an and of eternal paradise, throughout the Muslim world with a view to making it the common language of the Ummah. This will definitely increase the psychological and spiritual bondage between the Muslim people.


COMSTECH is the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). OIC member countries should promote science and technology to bring the Muslim nation at par with advanced nations. OIC countries should endeavor to promote rapid industrialization, strengthen the agricultural sector, and provide adequate health care for all, including the rural population.

The development of adequate basic infrastructure such as energy, communication and transportation, a substantial increase in export of both manufactured goods and services, and attainment of leadership in key areas of science and technology such as genetic engineering, biotechnology, engineering science, micro electronics, information technology, defense technology, are the need of the hour. These efforts have to be deployed in a mission-oriented and time-targeted mode for achieving a substantial increase in the Gross Domestic Product within a reasonable time frame. The OIC countries can play a vital role in science and technology in Emergency Preparedness, disaster preparedness, during, earth quake, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, bomb explosions, etc., asking the Muslim world to invest all efforts to advance in these fields for all-round progress. Islamic countries should take efficient measures to control the devastating damage caused by pollution emanating from toxic waste, which brings about climatic changes along with the degradation of biological and socio- economic conditions. The Islamic Development Bank should continue its cooperation with member countries to meet the challenges of new millennium for fostering scientific and technological development.


The position Islamic countries hold toward the challenges faced by science and scientists are similar to those from developing countries. Environmental issues need to be on the forefront of priorities set in the agenda of the next millennium.

Dr. Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, director general of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), reiterated that one of the imbalances characterizing modern society is that assistance programs, regional and international alike, have fallen short of upgrading scientific performance in the developing countries. He adds that these countries still suffer from the weakness of public institutions, which are no longer capable of ensuring the required measure of stability. Furthermore, their educational and training facilities are not apt for the creation of qualified manpower, let alone a nucleus of scientific staff of international caliber. "The situation is further compounded by the inadequate scientific research capacities, which does not augur well for the harnessing of endogenous natural resources, the production of new technologies and the fulfilment of the needs of an ever-increasing population", explains Altwaijri. "As a result, economic and social conditions will go on exacerbating, leading to thorny problems and crises." (7).

To alleviate the suffering of developing countries, the required assistance should be rendered to them so that they can achieve the greatest measure of scientific and technological progress. This is to be accomplished through knitting close ties of technical and financial cooperation between developing and developed countries as well as the competent international agencies. "These ties have to focus on the transfer of scientific knowledge and expertise, the opening of sustainable development avenues before them, the extension of further financial resources, in addition to ensuring optimal planning of their projects through updating the scientific and technological development efforts as a matter of top priority, then setting forth the objectives, and allocating sufficient financial resources on the basis of national commitments to proceed in this direction," explains Altwaijri.(7)

In a move to demonstrate this commitment science and education ministers of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) endorsed a draft strategy for developing science and technology in the Muslim world. The strategy's main recommendation is that governments should allocate a minimum of one per cent of their gross domestic product for scientific and technological development. Despite agreeing to do this, many of the ministers admitted that a goal of one per cent was unrealistic. Many delegates commented that such a target would be too difficult for most OIC member countries to achieve. All developing countries have no option but to increase their investment on science if they want to lift themselves above the pile of underdeveloped nations. A particularly pressing priority is human resource development, and secondly regional cooperation-both need funding.


The Organization of Islamic Conference Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) in collaboration with the International Foundation for Sciences (IFS) is providing support in the form of research grants to young scientists of merit in OIC member countries.

According to COMSTECH sources, an amount of more than Rs 36 million would be spent over a period of five years on the project. The grants are awarded in six different research areas within the general framework of "Management, use and conservation of Biological Resources", viz Aquatic resources, animal production (including veterinary medicine), crop science, forestry/agro-forestry, food science and natural products.

The research grants are awarded up to a maximum value of $12,000 for a period of one to three years and may be renewed twice. They were intended for the purchase of equipment, supplies for experiments and laboratory analysis, for buying scientific journals and other literature etc.

One of the problems, facing the scientists in the OIC member states, is the lack of scientific equipment, scientific libraries and consumables, required for carrying out research. As a result, the scientists, who return to their countries after obtaining PhD degrees from reputable foreign universities, often find that they could not productively contribute to the development of their own country because of the lack of proper facilities.

This had been responsible for growing frustration among the scientific community and many of them go abroad, causing brain drain and further aggravating the status of science in their own country. The COMSTECH has initiated this program for supporting scientific research projects of young scientists in key areas of science and technology. The research grants are meant for applicants who are citizens of, and carry out the research in, an OIC member state.

Cooperation between Muslim countries (9)

The first verse of the Quran that was revealed and inspired Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was "Iqra" or to acquire knowledge and emphasized the importance of learning in human life.

"Read in the name of thy Lord who creates." The Noble Qur'an also says "Rabbi Zidni Ilmaa" that is to pray to Allah for increase in knowledge. According to the Qur'an only men of knowledge really fear Allah most.

There are many Ahadith, which emphasize the spiritual value of learning and of the need for all Muslims to expand their knowledge in all ways. The Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) has said, the learned men are his heirs. Also with learning Allah (SWT) raised a people and makes them pioneers in whose path others will follow and whose examples others will take. Prophet of Islam also said, seek knowledge though it be in China. It was in such a spirit and encouraged by such words that the Arabs re-lit the torch of learning in Europe and bore it triumphantly aloft to illumine what would otherwise have remained for the West, the Dark Ages. Islamic Education brought light wherever there had been darkness before. From the very beginning Muslims were encouraged to do all they could to further the cause of education.

Joseph Hell in his well-known book, Arab Civilization (Joseph Hell, "The Arab Civilization." Tr. Khuda Baksh, Lahore 1943), explains why education was bound to flourish wherever Islam spread, in these words: Islam encouraged a noble ambition for learning, a craving for learning, a spirit of tolerance, a restless ambition to extend wider and yet wider the frontier of knowledge which so distinguishes the Muslims' mentality and stimulated lofty purpose. Joseph Hell continues in the Arab Civilization: "In the domain of trigonometry, the theory of Sine, Cosine and tangent is an heirloom of the Arabs. The brilliant epochs of Peurbach, of Regiomontanus, of Copernicus, cannot be recalled without reminding us of the fundamental and preparatory labor of the Arab Mathematician (Al-Battani, 858-929A.D.)."

"The adoption of the sign of 'Zero' (Arabic Sifr or Cipher) was a step of the highest importance, leading up to the so called arithmetic of positions. With the help of the Arab system of numbers, elementary methods of calculations were perfected; the doctrines of the properties of, and relations between, the equal and the unequal and prime numbers, squares and cubes, were elaborated; Algebra was enriched by the solution of the third degree and fourth degrees, with the help of geometry, and so on. About the year 820 CE the mathematician Al-Khwarizmi, wrote a text book of Algebra in examples, and his elementary treatise - translated into Latin - was used by Western scholars down to the sixteenth century."

Pakistan's educational system was introduced by the British in order to alienate the Muslims. The British educational system completely scrapped the Islamic way of education. Persian and Arabic, the pride of the Muslim ruling elite, where replaced with the English language. The curriculum was designed to serve the purposes of the colonial empire and not to promote the intellectual growth of the students. The British rule in India, gave a fatal blow to the system of education that distinguished the Muslims from the rest of the communities of the Subcontinent. With the passage of time the Muslims were alienated and their system of education suffered heavily.

At the time of independence, 14th August 1947, Pakistan had only two universities. In the first educational conference in Pakistan that was held on l7th November 1947, Quaid-i-Azam outlined an educational philosophy, which incorporated Islamic education and modern science and technology. The conference made a number of recommendations meant to make the educational system stronger and relevant to country's needs.
In Pakistan today there are 26 universities (General: 14, Engineering: 8, Agriculture: 4) that are giving higher education to the students with 9 universities in the private sector. Literacy rate in Pakistan (1996 Estimates) is 37.9 per cent. (9)

After the Second World War many Muslim countries became independent. Most of these countries are situated in Asia and Africa. Many Muslim countries in Central Asia got independence after the breakup of the Soviet Union. After gaining independence these countries gave due importance to education which was previously dominated by their colonial rulers-Great Britain, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and also Soviet Union, institutions of higher learning were established and students were sent abroad for education in science and technology.

At present there are 56 independent Muslim States, members of the OIC, total number of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education and Research in the Muslim Ummah is above 1000. The average literacy rate in the Muslim world is 35 per cent.

Taking the economic development index as a parameter for development, one can see the disparity between the Muslim world and the developed world.

According to statistics, only six Islamic countries fall in the high human development index (HDI), 22 in the medium and as many as 23 in low HDI category, according to the UN. The highest-ranking Islamic country is 36th while the lowest 173rd, in the HDI list of 178 countries. The total GNP of the 56 OIC member countries is only $1.1 trillion, which is less than that of France with $1.5 trillion and only one fifth that of Japan which has a GNP of $ 5.1 trillion, with no natural resources but has 1000 universities including 120 of them in Tokyo alone. The total number of universities in OIC countries is 328 while Tokyo alone has 120.The OIC region, as a whole needs at least 12000 universities. The entire Muslim world constituting one-fifth of humanity, contributes barely 1000 research articles out of 100,000 science books and 2,000,000 research articles published annually. While the West has an average of 3000 science PhDs per million populations, our number is so dismally small that even the statistic was not available. (9)

Pakistani nuclear scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan can says "Universities should give emphasis on technology and research in scientific education and only by paying full attention to the scientific education, we can compete with the developed countries of the world."(9)

Scholars agree that the true wealth of a nation lies in the quality of education with which its people are blessed and its ability to use its educated masses for economic development. It is a fact that the contribution of science and technology to economic growth is now widely recognized. After gaining independence, the Muslim countries' emphasis on science and technology is very poor. Because of this, most of the Muslim countries are defined as poor and under-developed. There are only 8 countries, which can be described as developing. .
As stated above there are more than 1000 Universities and institutions of higher learning and research in the Muslim world. It is amazing to note that most of the Muslim countries do not have educational links/contacts between them. Though some positive steps have been taken in this direction yet more efforts are required to develop linkage/contacts between educational and research institutions of the Muslim world. The Muslim Ummah must realize the demands of the 21st century and give due importance to education. The Muslim world must lay the groundwork of constructive, dynamic and meaningful revolution among the minds of our youth through education. For this, expansion in educational links/contacts between Muslim countries be so planned that these countries could benefit from each others' experiences and expertise. (9)
Linkage be established between prestigious Universities and Institutes of Higher Learning of the Muslim world for inviting well-known scholars to visit and deliver external lectures. During this visit scholar can meet colleagues and advanced students, advise on academic programs, and explore the possibilities for collaborative research. Under such a scheme a prominent scholar from an Arab University might visit a number of universities of an Asian Muslim country or a distinguished researcher from Central Asian Muslim country work in some Muslim country in Africa, of course, these are just examples. (9)

Similarly teachers/students could be sent to be exchanged between Muslim countries for further training and gaining more practical experience. This will also create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and friendship. Literacy rate in some of the Muslim countries is as high as 97.5 per cent (Central Asian Republics) whereas in Niger (Africa) the literacy rate is only 19 per cent. In Afghanistan it is 10 percent or less after the unending Civil War. Coordination can be worked out for exchange of experience to raise literacy rate in Muslim African countries with the assistance of Central Asian Republics.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) can be signed between Research Institutes of Muslim countries to gain experience and share results of research in the same field. For example a MoU can be worked out between Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies (CHIDS) attached to the Islamia University in Bahawalpur, Pakistan with Arab Center for the Study of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD), Damascus, Syria. Both these institutes are working on problems of desertification, process of conservation and development. Likewise Memorandum of Understanding could be signed between Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan with Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Center, Ankara, Turkey. This will help two brother Muslim countries to share their research and experience in the peaceful uses of atomic energy in the field of power generation, industry, agriculture and medicine. These are just some of the examples for links/contacts between the Muslim countries. (9)

This is the age of information technology. Muslim countries can link their Universities and Institutes of Higher Learning through Internets and e-mail to share their experiences in the different fields of research and to achieve positive results. Expansion in Educational Linkage/Contacts programs between the Muslim countries could be established through the assistance of Paris-based UNESCO, Rabat-based Islamic Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Tunis-based Arab League Education, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALESCO), Nairobi-based African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions (ANSTI) and such other International and Regional institutions. (9)

Muslims have entered 21st Century. It will be commendable if Pakistan takes lead to establish Education Linkage/Contacts programs between the Muslim countries. It is a fact that education is corner stone of development. It has been proved that education make a significant and positive impact on employment, earning, productivity, health and the control over population growth. Developed nations like Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan had all made considerable investment in education with the result that they achieved rapid economic growth. If the Muslim world wishes to join the ranks of the developed countries they will have to coordinate in the fields of education and research by expanding educational link/contacts programs, as education plays a vital role in development. (9)

We all know that Ummah is going through very crucial stage. At this juncture of time unity within our ranks is most important than ever.

There is nothing in the teachings of Islam that contends against learning, against science, and against technology. The pursuit of knowledge and scientific research is the birthright of every Muslim woman and every Muslim man.

The rediscovery of Islamic science and technology in the 21st century is an intellectually formidable task requiring a sustained effort over several decades. The first step to be taken for scientific rebirth is ijtihad, to exert the utmost effort, to struggle; to do one's best to know something. Ijtihad, after the Qur'an and Prophetic traditions, is the third source of Islamic law.

Muslim countries should unitedly aim at applying science and technology in the building of a new Islamic civilization. This will prevent the imbalance, disharmony and disintegration in almost every field of human endeavor such as social, economic, cultural, political or any other. This goal can be achieved by simultaneously implementing the following:

The Islamization of Muslim scientists and technologists who are trained by western science and technology. The training of young Muslims in Islamic science and technology.

Currently the problem in the Muslim countries is that the Ulema do not have any knowledge of modern science and technology and the Muslim scientists and technologists do not have mastery of Islamic sources of knowledge. As we know the Ulema exert the greatest influence on the Muslim masses. It appears that it is easier and practical to train Muslim scientists and technologists trained in western education in Islamic sources of knowledge instead of training our Ulema in science and technology.

To train our younger generation into Islamic science and technology there is a need to develop a new curricula incorporating Islamic values in science and technology and also writing of textbooks in science and technology at all levels of education: primary, secondary, and higher education.

Muslim countries have established organizations to meet their religious, political, economic and social needs such as the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference), Arab League, Muslim World Bank, Muslim World League, World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), etc. Organizations like COMSTECH, ISESCO should be vested with more powers and strengthened with huge funding. Therefore there is an urgent need to establish the following:

Islamic Academy of Sciences.

Think-Tank institutions to solve scientific and technological problems of the Muslim countries

Islamic Foundations to award grants.

Recognition of Muslim scientists.

Establishment of Alternatives to Nobel Prizes, such as King Faizal Awards.

Prizes for work done or accomplishments of Muslim scientists and technologists.

Islamic Atomic Energy Agency where Muslim scientists and engineers from Muslim countries can be trained in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and transfer of technology.

Exchange of Muslim scholars in the sciences and engineering at Post-graduate level, faculty level and senior faculty level.

Holding of Annual Meetings at the national and international level.

Fortunately, Allah (SWT) has given a bounty to many Islamic countries, an income over 100 billion dollars per year. Hence, Islamic countries have the opportunity and resources to make Islamic sciences and technology NUMBER ONE in the world, once again. Let us ignite the spark of our great achievements to be materialized in the near future. Let the Muslim scientists and engineers in the western world contribute to the health, welfare and prosperity of our less fortunate brothers and sisters in the Islamic countries by contributing our brilliance.

1. Muslim Unity in the Face of Challenges and Threats, a speech given by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad at Cairo's Al Azhar University. The Australian newspaper, Feb. 10, 2003


It was brought to my attention that a few Immigrant Muslims look down upon Afro-American Muslims. I am saddened and hurt to hear this. Islam is colorblind.

Racism and discrimination is anti-thesis of Islam. This dramatically weakens Ummati Muhammadi.

Islam is gaining most of its U.S. converts in prisons and on university campuses. The majority of American converts to Islam-85 to 90 percent- are Afro-Americans. There are 40 million Afro-Americans in USA, that is 13 to 14 per cent of the American Population. Of the estimated 6 million Muslims in the U.S., 2.6 million are Afro-Americans. Hence Afro-American Muslims constitute 45 percent of the Muslim Ummah in America. They are the largest group, followed by South Asian Muslims. "One out of every 15 Afro-Americans identifies himself or herself as Muslim," Anglo women make up an another demographic with a surprisingly high conversion rate in the U.S.

If all the Afro-American brothers and sisters become Muslims, we can change the political landscape of America. I can guarantee the Foreign Policy of this country will be pro-Islamic and Muslim-Friendly. In the US Government there is not a single Congressman or Congresswoman who is a Muslim. There is not a single Senator who is a Muslim. It is the same story in the State Governments. No Muslim Legislators.

There are many African-American brothers at various correctional Institutions like, Luther-Luckett, KSR (Kentucky State Reformatory), Roderer, Black Burn, North Point, Marion County, Bettysville, Eddyville, Central City, West Liberty, Jefferson county Jail, and many other correctional facilities in the State of Kentucky, where the Muslim inmates need Taleem, Tarbiyat, Jumuah Khutbahs, For Muslims it is an excellent opportunity for doing Da'wah and Tableegh. Alhamdulillah, Louisville has a group of dedicated Muslims who do Tableegh regularly. They go for Tableegh for 3 days or 30 days or 4 months. To do Da'wah work in the correctional institutions, you need to spend just one hour per week. For sisters who want to do Da'wah work you can visit KENTUCKY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION FOR WOMEN located at 2401 Ash Avenue in Pee Wee Valley. Phone: 241-8454. To visit these places the Security staff need your Social Security number and Date of Birth ahead of your visit.

I appeal to the Tableeghi Jamaat brothers and sisters and challenge them to visit the correctional institutions. Charity begins at home. LIGHT A CANDLE IN YOUR HOUSE, BEFORE YOU LIGHT A CANDLE IN THE MASJID. One has to do the Da'wah and Tableegh work for the pleasure of Allah or "Fee Sabil Allah". The reward you get is the Ajar you get from Allah (SWT). The reward one gets from Allah (SWT) is intangible (indefinable, insubstantial). For doing Da'wah work one has to be self-less and humble. For doing Tableeghi work or Da'wah work you will not appear in the TV News, Your story will not appear in the Courier Journal and your photograph will not be published in the Courier-Journal. On the other hand if you participate in the INTER-FAITH DIALOG, INTER-FAITH DINNER, your face will be broadcast in the TV News and your photograph will appear in the Courier-Journal. There will be a write up about you and what you said in the Courier-Journal. What is your priority?

We have excuses. We all feel we are very busy. We calculate if we Invest our time and effort what do we get materially. People argue TIME IS MONEY. And someone will also say " I CANNOT GIVE MY TIME FREE." If there is a worldly gain, then we have no excuses, we find the time.

In every community you will find someone fond of talking about "AAKHIRA". But that very person, relentlessly pursues, by every possible ways and means for material gains and enrichment. Owning three or more houses, several cars, shopping centers, huge bank balances, but leading a miserly life. If this is not hypocrisy then what? Whenever someone mentions the word "AAKHIRA" we need to examine that person's background. Empty vessels make a lot of noise. SILENT WATERS RUN DEEP. My experience shows that people who do Da'wah work are doing it for the pleasure of Allah (SWT) and they do not do it for the glitter of this mundane world. They are self-less workers who do not expect any NAME and FAME. They have IKHLAAS or SINCERITY in their hearts. They want to reach out and touch someone. Why not we lift the spirits of those incarcerated Muslims in our neighborhood Correctional Institutions.

Islam gives dignity and lifts the morale, and we Muslims should not disappoint our Afro-American Muslim brothers and sisters.

Better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.

- Chinese Proverb

If we cannot reach out locally, how can we reach out globally to our brothers and sisters in Palestine, Chechnya, Kashmir and Philippines.

Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an:

O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female, and have made

You nations and tribes that you may know one another. Lo! The noblest

Of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct.

Lo! Allah is knower, Aware.

Al-Hujuraat, 49: 13


As Muslims we need to share in the joys and the misfortunes of fellow Muslims-particularly the Afro-American Muslims.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) intermixed his fingers while saying this.

And [they indoctrinate themselves with] the saying of [the Prophet] (peace be upon him): "The example of the believers in their affection and compassion and benevolence is like the body; If one part of it becomes ill the whole body comes to its aid with fever and sleeplessness." (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)


In six days, next Thursday, June 19th, Insha'Allah, our Afro-American brothers and sisters will celebrate Juneteenth. It is not June tenth, but June Nineteenth.

Juneteenth or June 19, 1865, is considered the date when the last slaves in America were freed. Although the rumors of freedom were widespread prior to this, actual emancipation did not come until General Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas and issued General Order No. 3, on June 19, almost two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.


President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862, notifying the states in rebellion against the Union that if they did not cease their rebellion and return to the Union by January 1, 1863, he would declare their slaves forever free. Needless to say, the proclamation was ignored by those states that seceded from the Union. Furthermore, the proclamation did not apply to those slave-holding states that did not rebel against the Union. As a result about 8,000,000 slaves were unaffected by the provisions of the proclamation. It would take a civil war to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to formally outlaw slavery in the United States.


Annually, on June 19, in more than 200 cities in the United States. Texas (and Oklahoma) is the only state that has made Juneteenth a legal holiday. Some cities sponsor week-long celebrations, culminating on June 19, while others hold shorter celebrations.

The Meaning of Juneteenth-Freedom

Freedom meant more than the right to travel freely. It meant the right to name one's self and many freedmen gave themselves new names. County courthouses were overcrowded as blacks applied for licenses to legalize their marriages. Emancipation allowed ex-slaves the right to assemble and openly worship as they saw fit. Muslims started to pray Salat and changed their names to Muslim names.

Freedom implied that for the first time, United States laws protected the rights of blacks. There was a run on educational primers as freed men and woman sought the education that had for so long been denied them. The Bureau of Refuges, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, commonly known as the Freedmen's Bureau, was founded by Congress in March 1865 to provide relief services for former slaves. The promise of emancipation gave freedmen optimism for the future; few realized slavery's bitter legacy was just beginning to unfold and that equality was to remain an elusive dream.

At the beginning of Reconstruction, the period immediately following the end of the Civil War, rumors were rampant that every freedman would be given forty acres and a mule. The optimism was short-lived, however, and soon replaced by a betrayal so soul shattering, blacks questioned whether the United States was serious about granting them their freedom. Ex-slaves found for the most part, that despite the Freedman's Bureau, they were left to fend for themselves. The abject poverty and the racism that maintained it, prohibited any hope for assimilation into American society.

Ex-slaves entered freedom under the worst possible conditions. Most were turned loose penniless and homeless, with only the clothes on their back. Ex-slaves were, as Frederick Douglas said, "free, without roofs to cover them, or bread to eat, or land to cultivate, and as a consequence died in such numbers as to awaken the hope of their enemies that they would soon disappear."

The other side of emancipation was high expectations gave way to heart-crushing disillusionment. Slavery weakened America's moral authority.

It's amazing that despite living under the most inhumane conditions known to humankind, Afro-Americans contributed everything from agricultural inventions, to medical breakthroughs, to music. Enslaved artisans crafted incredible sculptures, designed beautiful buildings and helped build a nation. Afro-Americans preserved a culture and succeeded in passing down a legacy of music, language, food, religion and a lesson in survival. We'll never know how many scientists, engineers, doctors and artists were lost on the trip over on the slave ships or after they arrived.

While the painful side of slavery makes it difficult for many Afro-Americans to celebrate Juneteenth, it is the positive legacy of perseverance and cooperation that makes it impossible for others to ignore.

There is no leader for Muslims in North America, particularly in the Afro-American Muslim Community. There is a vacuum since the departure of Al-Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz, popularly known as Malcolm X.

Bilal Ibn Rabah ----Sahaba and Muezzin

Bilal, an African (from Abysynnia- present day Ethiopia and Eritrea) slave owned by Umayyah ibn Khalaf, a leader of a powerful Meccan tribe. The misfortune of Hadrat Bilal (RA) is that both of his parents(mother and father) were slaves. Hadrat Bilal (RA) recognized the purity and truth of the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAS) message. He became one of the Prophet’s (SAS) closest and most trusted companions, the first man to give adhan to the Muslims in Medina.

Hadrat Bilal (RA) was one of the first believers, and he accepted the message of Islam. He embraced the belief that man is only a slave to God and not to other men and that men and women are all equal in the eyes of God. Most importantly he rejected the polytheistic practices of the Quraysh (the most powerful tribe of Mecca). Bilal’s conversion sparked anger and hatred in his owner. Umayyah used torture to try to change Bilal’s stance on the Oneness of God. This torture included chaining and starvation. Hadrat Bilal (RA) continually repeated Ahad, Ahad (the oneness of God). This angered Umayyah all the more and eventually Umayyah set out to kill Bilal. Bilal was chained and placed out in the hot desert sun with no cover and when he refused to bend he was tortured by a boulder being placed over his body, smashing him. Hadrat Abu Bakr (RA) heard about the cruel torture and approached Umayyah to protest such cruel behavior.

Umayyah refused to relieve Bilal of his torture; therefore Abu Bakr offered to buy Bilal. The asking price was an exorbitant amount of five ounces of gold (about $2,000 dollars in today's price). Abu Bakr agreed and Bilal was freed.

In Medina Hadrat Bilal remained a close companion to the Prophet Muhammad (SAS). The Muslims appreciated Bilal’s beautiful voice, which was one of the wonderful attributes given to him by God. Hadrat Bilal became the first Muezzin, a person who calls people to prayer, and gave the adhan, call to prayer, to the Muslims in Medina. Bilal was a soft spoken and patient man who was so reliable and devoted that he became Prophet Muhammad’s (SAS) treasurer. Bilal was responsible for providing for all the poor Muslim travelers who arrived in Medina. He was highly respected and considered an important aspect to the community. When Prophet Muhammad (SAS) returned to Mecca as a conqueror, Hadrat Bilal was one of his most valued companions as well as one of his most important warriors. The Prophet ordered Bilal(RA) to make the adhan on the rooftop of the Ka'bah. History attests that Hadrat Bilal (RA) occupied a distinguished position among the Prophet's companions.

The story of Bilal, one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAS), shows the equality of all men and women under Islam. Bilal was the African slave of a rich Arab

man, yet he was accepted as one of the most knowledgeable and respected of Muslim men.

Slavery and Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad freed Zayd and treated him like a son. When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) received the Divine Revelations of Islam, slavery among the Pagan Arabs, Jews and Christians was quite common. When he came with Allah Almighty's True Religion of Islam, he gradually eliminated slavery. He couldn't enforce it all at once, because it would've caused Islam to be an unsuccessful religion toward freeing slaves, and would certainly have broken Islam's system for ending slavery.

By gradually freeing slaves and making it to be acceptable to the society of many different pagan cultures and traditions, the idea of eliminating slavery became powerful enough that after Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) died, the freed slaves remained free and none of them was ever enslaved again.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari: "The Prophet said, "Give food to the hungry, pay a visit to the sick and release (set free) the one in captivity (by paying his ransom)."

(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Food, Meals, Volume 7, Book 65, Number 286)"

Always remember!

It was not Islam that started slavery, but it was Islam that ultimately ended it.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), 570 - 632 AD, said "He will not enter paradise who behaveth ill to his slaves. The companions said, "O Apostle of God! Have you not told us, that there will be a great many slaves and orphans amongst your disciples?" He said," Yes, then be kind to them as your own children, and give them to eat of what you eat yourselves. The slaves that say their prayers are your brothers." and "yield obedience to my successor, although he may be an Abyssinian slave."

The first call to prayer at the Quba mosque built by Prophet Muhammad was given in 622 CE by Hadrat Bilal (RA) - a black slave freed by Hadrat Abu Bakr (RA). On the contrary, The Supreme Court of the United States declared in 1857 that the slave Dred Scott could not sue for his freedom because he was not a person, but property.

Khutbah- Part II

In the ancient Sacred Texts, one can read in Sanskrit "Manava Seva Madhava Seva" Which means "SERVICE TO MANKIND IS SERVICE TO GOD." This is most beautifully illustrated in Haidth Qudsi No. 18.

Hadith Qudsi 18

Allah (SWT) says, "O son of Adam, I fell ill and you visited Me not. He (a human being) will say: O Lord, and how should I visit You when You are the Lord of the worlds? He (Allah (SWT)) will say: Did you not know that My servant So-and-so had fallen ill and you visited him not? Did you not know that had you visited him you would have found Me with him? O son of Adam, I asked you for food and you fed Me not. He (man) will say: O Lord, and how should I feed You when You are the Lord of the worlds? He (Allah (SWT) will say: Did you not know that My servant So-and-so asked you for food and you fed him not? Did you not know that had you fed him you would surely have found that (the reward for doing so) with Me? O son of Adam, I asked you to give Me to drink and you gave Me not to drink. He (man) will say: O Lord, how should I give You to drink when You are the Lord of the worlds? He (Allah (SWT) will say: My servant So-and-so asked you to give him to drink and you gave him not to drink. Alas, if you had given him to drink, you would have surely found that (i.e. reward) with Me.

Being of service to others is a way of life that leads to happiness and salvation.

Allah forgave a prostitute of her sins because she gave water to a dying dog.

Rasool-Allah (SAS) said, "A prostitute was forgiven by Allah, because, passing by a panting dog near a well and seeing that the dog was about to die of thirst, she took off her shoe, and tying it with her head-cover she drew out some water for it. So, Allah forgave her because of that.", Narrated Abu Hurayrah. Vol.4, Book 54, Number 538 Sahih Bukhari

So what will be the case for the one who feeds other humans, giving them comfort and removing from them hardships!

Hatim at-Taai who was known far and wide for his chivalry and fabulous generosity. ...

Hatim said in some of his beautiful couplets, commanding his servant to search for guests: "Burn the coals, for truly, the night is chilly. If you bring me a guest, then I set you free." And he said to his wife:
"Whenever you make food, then search for the one who is hungry, as I do not eat alone."

His son Adiyy ibn Hatim at-Taai who was a Christian became a Muslim in the ninth year of the Hijrah. He was also an Arab King.

Abdullah ibn Mubarak was a great scholar, mujahid, Sufi, and jurist. Ibn Mubarak's neighbour was a Jew. He would always feed him before his own children and would provide clothing for him first and then for his children. Some people said to the Jew, 'Sell us your house.' He answered, 'My house is for two thousand dinars. One thousand is for the price of the house and one thousand is for having Ibn Mubarak as a neighbour!' Ibn Mubarak heard of this and he exclaimed, 'O' Allah! Guide him to Islam.' Then, by the leave of Allah, he accepted Islam.

Among his many virtues is that Ibn Mubarak was fond of performing Hajj regularly and even paid the expenses of all the members of his Hajj group. During one such trip he saw that at a stopover, the people of another caravan threw a dead chicken in the trash. Moments later a little girl emerged from a nearby house, and rushed home with that dead bird. Curious, Abdullah ibn Mubarak followed her. He found that the girl lived with her widowed mother and they had no source of income. They had been starving for days. Seeing this he gave all the money he had for the Hajj trip to the poor family and returned home. The Hajj being voluntary was a personal passion. It meant a lot and he had already undertaken a big part of the difficult journey. But when faced with the need of a destitute family, he immediately knew what he had to do. His commitment was not to the Hajj trip, it was to serving Allah.

Later, he saw someone in a dream saying, 'Your pilgrimage has been accepted, as have your rites, and your sins have been forgiven." (Details Taken From - "Don't Be Sad" by Shaykh Aaidh Al-Qarni.)

IN SUMMARY, Muslims are those who, when denied, give thanks to their Lord, and when bestowed with plenty give preference and pass it on to others in need. He should always be willing to loose in order that others may gain from him. In other words, he is not a selfish person. A Muslim always thinks more about giving help and providing relief to others, than of receiving help. He seeks good of others regardless of the cost to himself. He shares with other human beings both their sorrows and joys. He is readily available with help during times of adversity. A Muslim anticipates wants of others without intruding or imposing. He constantly looks for ways to help the insecure among people both wanted and needed and finds out about ways and means to enrich the lives of the needy.

Integrate Modern and Islamic Education

The prominence of education in Islam is well known to all of us. The very first verse of the Qur’an revealed to the Prophet of Al-Islam (SAS) on the night of power (Laylathul Qadr) in the month of Ramadan in 611 CE reads:

Read: In the name of thy Lord who created

Created man from a leech like clot

Read: And thy Lord is the Most bounteous

Who taught by the Pen Taught man that which he knew not.

Surah: A1-’Alaq (The Clot), 96:1-5

As we see the very first word of the Qur’anic revelation starts with ‘IQRA’ (read) or recite. Some scholars rightly think “Iqra” should be the sixth pillar of Islam. In Surah al-Zamar the Qur’an asks its readers “Can they be equal-those who know and those who do not know? and the famous Ahadith that “The ink of the scholar’s pen is more sacred than the blood of the martyr” and “The best form of worship is the pursuit of knowledge” are known to all. The Glorious Qur’an categorically states that those who are educated and enlightened can truly understand the Glory and Majesty of the Creator. How can an illiterate Muslim understand and appreciate the Signs of Allah (SWT) as commanded in the Qur’an. (2:118,164,219-220; 3:190; 10:5-6; 30:20-27; 45:3-6, etc.)

The followers of Islam should be educated believers and Islam is the religion of the educated masses, otherwise they cannot read, understand and implement the teachings and guidance of Qur’an Majid.

With such a magnificent background one would have expected the Muslim community to be the world leaders in education leading various nations from darkness into light. Yes, they did for almost one thousand years, starting from the eighth century of the Common Era. Unfortunately the picture today is very different and the average literacy rate is about 38% among the Muslims of the world.

In India, the national male literacy rate is 54%, but the Muslim male literacy rate is 18%. The national female literacy rate is 38%, whereas the Muslim female literacy rate is less than 5%. The average literacy rate for Muslims of the world is around 38 percent and in rural areas in Muslim countries, the illiteracy rate among Muslim women is 93 to 97 per cent. In spite of comparable levels of development the mean rate for literacy for the Muslims is 35 per cent lower than that for the Third World, and 40 percent below the world’s average. The data suggests that almost two-thirds of the Muslims worldwide are illiterate. This low level of literacy, evidently, is responsible for the grinding poverty, the backwardness, and the deplorable conditions under which the vast majority of the Muslims live at present. Pakistan is the most scientifically and technologically advanced Muslim country, however, the literacy rate for Pakistan, home to the world’s second—largest Muslim Ummah, is even lower than the average for the Muslin nations. What is most shocking is that India, the second most populous nation in the world, has a significantly higher rate of literacy than Pakistan and Bangladesh. Why this deplorable state? What can be done to change this gloomy picture? There are hundreds, or even thousands of Madrasahs both in Pakistan and India where the children receive instructions only to become Alim/Fazil. Madrasahs are falsely accused of as breeding grounds for extremism. The world conditions demand that the education for Muslims should consist of an integration of modern and Islamic education. Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf recently said, "People send their children to madrasahs because of the absence of educational institutions. We are working to bring the madrasahs into the mainstream. Now when students come out of them, they are only qualified to become religious scholars, which leads to the proliferation of mosques. We are trying to get them to include a more modern syllabus, with science and computer education. That way, madrasa graduates will qualify to get jobs in other fields. "

Computer literacy should start right from the primary school level. The aim of Islamic education is to initiate total change in a person-beliefs, actions, potential, faculties, thoughts, expressions, aspirations, energies and everything relating to that person; in other words the balanced development of the whole personality of a human being-the vice-regent of Allah on earth. It seeks to motivate every member of society to promote and encourage everything good (right) and discourage and forbid evil (wrong). Islamic education should facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, skills and virtues to achieve success and happiness not only in this life but also in the Aakhirah, by the Mercy and blessings of Allah (SWT).The Islamic Research Foundation International has been established to uplift the Muslim Ummah in general and particularly in the advancement of knowledge through spiritual and intellectual growth. The foundations of both the spiritual and intellectual growth are rooted in education. Hence the aims and objectives of the Islamic Research Foundation International are to award scholarships to Muslim students to advance their higher education in advanced countries, based on merit and open competition and to establish centers of higher learning. The most negligent area, which is vital for the intellectual growth of the Muslim Ummah, is research and development. Hence the e Islamic Research Foundation International has taken up this onerous responsibility to award grants to research workers based on merit and open competition. It is soliciting generous donations for an endowment fund to fulfill its aims and objectives.

I pray to Allah (SWT) for His Blessings and Mercy for all of guidance and us to follow His right path. Ameen!